Friday, June 18, 2010

Do a bunch of slobs live here???

You see these 2, sweet little 8 year old girls who look totally innocent & precious?

Don't let their angelic looks fool you!

This hot mess is their room
I cant stand it.
Notice the shelf hanging off the wall
didn't notice that till I took the picture
gonna have to do something about that...

Here is the bathroom floor...
of course we have wet towels, Pinkalicious & Purplicious books-just in case you want to cozy up on the bathroom floor & have a little read, nightgowns, undies, stuffed animals, dirty tissues with God only knows what on them,
I shudder with the thought...

Here is the actual bathroom with more pjs on the floor, the curtain 1/2 pulled so mold can grow...
oh yeah
there was pee in the toilet,

on a good day, there is poo!
So Gross!

But is it fair to get mad at them cause they are such slobbos??
Maybe not

this is what my table looked like today before i cleared it!


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About Me

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I am a 40 something mom and wife. In my world, the things keep me busy are The Twinks, The Hubs and The Mutts, music, crafting, cooking, friends, getting healthy and Facebook. I love everything Disney, Rent, Gaga, Elsie Flannigan, Glee, Downton Abbey, Mad Men, tea, 80's music, yummy food, Christmas, the beach, a flea market, vintage, shabby chic and anything that has hearts on it. In a previous life I taught first grade-some days I miss it. Currently I work part time as a tutor-I love my job! I love the kids I teach!!! I started scrapbooking in 2000 and that opened the door to creating cute stuff that I would give as gifts. People started telling me "You could sell this, people would totally buy it!!" And that is how Bellasky Designs came to be. BSD started as an ETSY shop. Kids Art Camp and a place to share my crafts!! It has become a blog where I ramble about events in my life (or non-events) I am a native NYer but love my new (more that 16 years) life here in the south. I have been so blessed & know that God's hand is in most of the things that happen in my life! Glad you stopped by!! Leave me a comment, I {heart} hearing from you!