Friday, June 18, 2010

Do a bunch of slobs live here???

You see these 2, sweet little 8 year old girls who look totally innocent & precious?

Don't let their angelic looks fool you!

This hot mess is their room
I cant stand it.
Notice the shelf hanging off the wall
didn't notice that till I took the picture
gonna have to do something about that...

Here is the bathroom floor...
of course we have wet towels, Pinkalicious & Purplicious books-just in case you want to cozy up on the bathroom floor & have a little read, nightgowns, undies, stuffed animals, dirty tissues with God only knows what on them,
I shudder with the thought...

Here is the actual bathroom with more pjs on the floor, the curtain 1/2 pulled so mold can grow...
oh yeah
there was pee in the toilet,

on a good day, there is poo!
So Gross!

But is it fair to get mad at them cause they are such slobbos??
Maybe not

this is what my table looked like today before i cleared it!


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fill in of the day-saturday

1. Working out & eating healthy feels great.
2. The solution is get some more sleep.
3.When I read before bed I fall asleep.
4. How about them apples.
5. Tony's Pizza is something I highly recommend!
6. Imagine if people were really nice to each other & considerate?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Family Fun Night, tomorrow my plans include cleaning a little and Sunday, I want to go to the pool

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fill In of the day-Wednesday

1. Where is my i pod?
2. If wishes were horses, we had one in our backyard a few weeks ago.
3. I'd like to see Lady Gaga.
4. When I was a teen, I thought I would be married with kids at 24 .
5. One of my mother's favorite sayings was believe you me.
6. I'd have a hard time doing without my computer.
7. And as for the weekend, Friday I'm looking forward to Cathy's play & McCartney Family Fun Night, Saturday my plans include double play dates for the girls and Sunday, I want to maybe go to the pool (maybe not, I have to wear a bathing suit, yuck!)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Fill In of the day-Monday

Outside my's dreary, muggy & looks like rain

I am thinking...I should get off this computer & get some stuff done

I am thankful...that for my 2 girls, even though sometimes I act like a beeeeotchy mama

I am wearing
...short & an Ireland t-shirt from target

I am remembering...that i have laundry to put in the dryer

I am going...get the guest room in order tonight

I am currently reading... One for the money & angels in my hair & Love & Logic-parenting & The shack

I am hoping...That my mammogram goes well tomorrow

On my mind...things.

Noticing clothes are too big! to make this business start!

From the kitchen...Tomorrow-Sage pork, Parmesan cheesey rice, brocolli
Around the house... clutter & dog smell-make it go away
One of my favorite booklight!

From my picture journal...?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fill In of the day

1. I know that I need to rid my life of people who don't lift me up.
2. January is the longest month think it is the Holiday detox.
3. You can't help but smile when the girls are setting up their littlest pet shop, especially when they never played with it for this long at one time!!!!!.
4. Warrior Dash; bring it on!
5. Where have you looked for scrapbooking ideas?
6. $1.00 flip flops are now available at Old Navy.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching a movie, tomorrow my plans include picking up our dresses, buying shoes & a tie for Joe for the wedding.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today I am.....

Today I Am: really tired from going to bed really late for a few days in a row AND the crazy ass work outs i have done!!

Listening: pandora-jason mraz "channel"

1)Angels in my hair.....not sure about this one yet
2)Love & Logic-parenting book, trying to learn to be better parents

Obsessed With: reading crafty blogs!

Thinking About: how hard it is to get this house clean & to stay organized

Planning To: start a craft class for kids at my house!!

Dreaming Of: sitting on the beach or poolside at Costa Rica.

Enjoying: the fact that I am actually feeling stronger, more fit & healthier

Vowing to: make drs appts, I am overdue

Working on: clearing off this messy table

Excited Alli & Bill's wedding!.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

was that previous post written by me?

there is no way

i am so not that happy loving parent in the previous post

I am nasty, crabby, I have no patience & yell at them non stop,
the foaming at the mouth kind of yelling too


pretty embarassing

I have busted my ass to do all this crap for them at school, volunteering, teacher appreciation week, running them to tutoring, getting them through their homework......I want to be the mom they think of as she was always there to help me, she helped at school, she was there FOR me when i needed her, but will they see that especially now when i am acting like a nasty beeeeeeeotch?????

who foams at the mouth at them

probably not

they have been so nasty to me, to each their friends. I dont know what we are doing that isnt working but IT ISNT WORKING

We have had drama with friends too


There is NO JOY in this house, i dont know what to do..................this is not how i saw things....where did things changed?

trying to get things lined up for Cierra as far as finding out what is up with her. Have only heard negative feedback about Cierra from her teacher, but we see progress, no more tears with homework........ thats progress, right??

Sky is succeeding in her class.

the is the only consistent thing that is happening in my life right now, is that I have been working out
.....have added walking & running..... 3 days of REALLLLLY intense working out...2 days of at walk/run. BUT the scale hasnt moved.............keep trying

I dont know who is reading this, maybe i shouldnt even be putting this out there..............

I Need supernanny,


"naughty step" & all

with "techniques"

for the "pair of us"

or someone......

come in, give us some advice, show us what we are doing that is us fix this mess.....................................

it is not all a mess, the girls are so sweet & loving & nurturing. they have great sense of humor & love to laugh, they are such girlie girls. The love gum, they love Lady Gaga. AThey love to help me with jobs, like hanging stuff, rolling socks, prepping dinner. Family fun night is still fun. They look forward to it every week,

Just want things to settle here.

ok done
tomorrow will be better

no more foaming


About Me

My photo
I am a 40 something mom and wife. In my world, the things keep me busy are The Twinks, The Hubs and The Mutts, music, crafting, cooking, friends, getting healthy and Facebook. I love everything Disney, Rent, Gaga, Elsie Flannigan, Glee, Downton Abbey, Mad Men, tea, 80's music, yummy food, Christmas, the beach, a flea market, vintage, shabby chic and anything that has hearts on it. In a previous life I taught first grade-some days I miss it. Currently I work part time as a tutor-I love my job! I love the kids I teach!!! I started scrapbooking in 2000 and that opened the door to creating cute stuff that I would give as gifts. People started telling me "You could sell this, people would totally buy it!!" And that is how Bellasky Designs came to be. BSD started as an ETSY shop. Kids Art Camp and a place to share my crafts!! It has become a blog where I ramble about events in my life (or non-events) I am a native NYer but love my new (more that 16 years) life here in the south. I have been so blessed & know that God's hand is in most of the things that happen in my life! Glad you stopped by!! Leave me a comment, I {heart} hearing from you!